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Karen Cook for Early Music America on Vivaldi album


"...Begelman tackles even the most difficult of the passages with a deliciously punchy edge but also manages to create beautiful, tender melodic lines — compare, for example, the agility in the concluding Allegro of the F major concerto with the dreamy, song-like Largo in the same concerto, or the beautiful arioso in the Largo of the Bb concerto. He and the ensemble are in perfect sync throughout; every crisp articulation, every breath, every bit of weight on a suspension or a moment’s grace in a melodic line is echoed with admirable precision on all sides. The album is, in a word, revelatory..."


"...Il apporte à ces concertos de Vivaldi une virtuosité lumineuse et chaleureuse, tout en veillant à traduire les nuances de ces « nouvelles perspectives » auxquelles le compositeur se consacre aux approches de la cinquantaine..."

Kate Bolton-Porciatti on Maria & Maddalena album


"...Boris Begelman’s graceful violin arabesques swirl like incense around the voice..."

Jean-Pierre Robert for on Vivaldi album


"...Les mouvements rapides frappent par le raffinement des traits les plus exigeants en termes de technicité de coups d'archet. Tandis que les mouvements centraux sont empreints d'une souple grâce mélodique..."


"...Soloist Boris Begelman, who currently leads Concerto Italiano, is an eloquent conveyor of the spirited and lyrical charms of these concertos. His intonation is faultless and his articulation sharply defined and communicative. No detail of Vivaldi’s palette is left unexplored, no expressive detail impoverished..."

Tim Honfray for The Strad on Vivaldi album


"...After the gaiety of the C major Concerto RV194 comes the D major RV211, the largest and grandest of the set. It opens in the style of a French overture, and the solo writing is both shamelessly virtuosic and constantly inventive, challenges Begelman tackles with aplomb before topping them off with a suitably extrovert cadenza. .."


Session Report: Playing the hero

Michel Roubinet for on a concert at Festival de Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache


"...Inventivité et enchantement de chaque instant, portés par un violon principal de grand style : le violoniste russe Boris Begelman, virtuose et musicien chaleureusement accompli auquel on doit déjà une intégrale des Sonates et Partitas pour violon seul de Bach, mais aussi, entre autres, un choix de Sonates de Telemann (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)..."


"...Begelman, who was invited by Arion as a soloist in March 2019, is truly the current star of the baroque violin..."

Luister on Bach album


"...De Rus is een vertegenwoordiger van de jongere generatie barokviolisten en zijn spel combineert de verworvenheden van de barokviool met de expressiviteit van de conventionele viool en daarmee geeft hij aan de Sonatas en partitas een enorme dramatische lading..."


"...This is a fine set, emotionally rich, musically satisfying and always entertaining..."

Alessandro Cammarano for Le Salon Musical on Telemann album


"...Begelman, che suona un violino Louis Moitessier del 1790 dalle sonorità intime e luminose, restituisce all’ascolto la familiarità colta e ricca di fantasia del Telemann da camera, senza mai cedere a compiacimenti narcisistici, anzi puntando su una lettura raccolta e sempre ben meditata che pone comunque sempre nel giusto risalto l’ornamentazione in stile italiano che caratterizza, qui ancor più che altrove, la produzione del Magdeburghese..."


"...Begelman musiziert sehr originell und flexibel, mit relativ zügigen Tempi und doch ohne Show- Virtuosität, weil sich sein ernsthaftes Musizieren aus darbieterischer Tiefe speist..."

Robin Stowell for The Strad on the Telemann album


"...Boris Begelman offers highly accomplished readings of seven of Telemann’s sonatas for violin and basso continuo, four of which are claimed to be world premiere recordings..."

© Boris Begelman 2024
Pages pictures - © RibaltaLuce Studio & Matthias Müller

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